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Beware the Daily Racing Form Online

Beware The Daily Racing Form Online!

The Daily Racing Form Online  When we purchased the Breeders Cup Advance edition online last fall (2002), we intended to gamble on the horses, but ended up losing $5 to the Daily Racing Form itself!   We paid them for something we did not receive (until it was useless) and could not get a refund, even though we spend hours trying.  Here's what happened:

After entering our credit card information, we could not access the advanced edition that we'd paid for.   We spotted an 800 number on the receipt and called them.  Their support rep said their credit card server was down and assured us that our transaction had NOT gone through.   We sent them an email and got the following response:

"Dear Valued Customer,   Due to a high amount of traffic on our website for the Breeders Cup 2003, we are currently experiencing technical difficulties. All efforts are being made to restore normal operations as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your patience."

Since we were going out of town and could not wait an unspecified amount of time for their difficulties to be resolved, we purchased a copy of the Daily Racing Form for $5 at a local newsstand, relying on their information that our online transaction had not gone through.

But the transaction had gone through, and we were charged $5 for the online purchase.   We spent hours over the next few weeks, emailing and phoning them, explaining what had happened.   Over and over, we got the same response:

"The records in our subscriber database indicate that the Breeders' Cup Advance Edition was successfully purchased on your account earlier this week. To access the information, please go to our website (, then click the "Breeders' Cup Advance" item, etc."

They completely ignored what we kept telling them:

a) The information was no longer useful to us since the race had already been run and we could no longer bet on it, and

b) We had purchased a paper copy when their servers were down, and


We finally gave up, but have learned our lesson.  No more purchases of the Daily Racing Form online for us!